The intimacies of four continents. Lowe, L. Duke University Press, Durham, 2015.
	address = {Durham},
	title = {The intimacies of four continents},
	isbn = {978-0-8223-5863-3 978-0-8223-5875-6},
	publisher = {Duke University Press},
	author = {Lowe, Lisa},
	year = {2015},
	keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Hillman collection, Hillman—EZ borrow, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, anglo dutch analytic method, anglo imperial, anglo imperial analytic method, bibliography for possible project, book introduction, book revision, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision 2025—early race and due process citations, book revision introduction, book revision neoliberalism, book revision personhood, book thesis—after PJ talk, collocation, collocation method, comparative constitutionalism, comparative naval shits, comparative racialization, english constitutionalism, english law, eugene box 23, intimacies, intimacies method, naval shits, naval shits and analytic method, queer of color, queer of color method, race and education article, racial capitalism, sodomy, sodomy and empire, sodomy law history},

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