Linker histone H1 is essential for Drosophila development, the establishment of pericentric heterochromatin, and a normal polytene chromosome structure. Lu, X. Genes and Development, 23(4):452–465, 2009. 79 cites:
doi  bibtex   
  author   = {X. Lu},
  title    = {Linker histone H1 is essential for Drosophila development, the establishment of pericentric heterochromatin, and a normal polytene chromosome structure},
  doi      = {10.1101/gad.1749309},
  issn     = {0890-9369},
  note     = {79 cites:\&scp=61449102557\&origin=inward},
  number   = {4},
  pages    = {452--465},
  volume   = {23},
  citation = {},
  journal  = {Genes and Development},
  type     = {Article},
  year     = {2009},

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