Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the unique 154Sm0.6Sr0.4MnO3 Jahn-Teller system. Luzyanin, I., Ryzhov, V., Chernyshov, D., Kurbakov, A., Trounov, V., Lazuta, A., Khavronin, V., Larionov, I., & Dunaevsky, S. Physics of Metals and Metallography, 91(1 SUPPL.):S179-S184, 2001. cited By 0
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the unique 154Sm0.6Sr0.4MnO3 Jahn-Teller system [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Structural neutron diffraction investigations, as well as the data on the resistance, linear susceptibility, and second harmonic of magnetization, are presented for 154Sm0.6Sr0.4MnO3 manganite. Structural studies reveal the unique Jahn-Teller (JT) character of this compound, which is found to exhibit the Pbnm space group. Unusually large coherent JT distortions are found to develop below TJT ≈ 180 K and remain even in the metallic ferromagnetic phase below the Curie point TC ≈ 120 K. In the paramagnetic region, the resistance is consistent with polaron hopping. A field hysteresis of the second harmonic is observed above TC. This is evidence of the existence of macroscopic ferromagnetic regions in the paramagnetic matrix. In contrast, the temperature dependence of the linear susceptibility reveals a plateau at T > TC. These conflicting peculiarities of the magnetic properties can be explained by assuming the ferromagnetic behavior to be associated with antiferromagnetic regions with weak ferromagnetism.
author={Luzyanin, I.D. and Ryzhov, V.A. and Chernyshov, D.Yu. and Kurbakov, A.I. and Trounov, V.A. and Lazuta, A.V. and Khavronin, V.P. and Larionov, I.I. and Dunaevsky, S.M.},
title={Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the unique 154Sm0.6Sr0.4MnO3 Jahn-Teller system},
journal={Physics of Metals and Metallography},
number={1 SUPPL.},
note={cited By 0},
affiliation={Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, St. Petersburg, 620219, Russian Federation},
abstract={Structural neutron diffraction investigations, as well as the data on the resistance, linear susceptibility, and second harmonic of magnetization, are presented for 154Sm0.6Sr0.4MnO3 manganite. Structural studies reveal the unique Jahn-Teller (JT) character of this compound, which is found to exhibit the Pbnm space group. Unusually large coherent JT distortions are found to develop below TJT ≈ 180 K and remain even in the metallic ferromagnetic phase below the Curie point TC ≈ 120 K. In the paramagnetic region, the resistance is consistent with polaron hopping. A field hysteresis of the second harmonic is observed above TC. This is evidence of the existence of macroscopic ferromagnetic regions in the paramagnetic matrix. In contrast, the temperature dependence of the linear susceptibility reveals a plateau at T > TC. These conflicting peculiarities of the magnetic properties can be explained by assuming the ferromagnetic behavior to be associated with antiferromagnetic regions with weak ferromagnetism.},
correspondence_address1={Luzyanin, I.D.; Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, St. Petersburg, 620219, Russian Federation},
abbrev_source_title={Phys. Met. Metallogr.},

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