Centerline extraction based on hessian matrix and scale space analysis. Lv, X. & Gao, X. In Proc. Information Engineering and Computer Science, 2009. ICIECS 2009. International Conference on, pages 1--4, Wuhan, China, Dec. 19-20, 2009. IEEE.
  author = {Lv, X. and Gao, X.},
 address = {Wuhan, China},
booktitle = {Proc. Information Engineering and Computer Science, 2009. ICIECS 2009. International Conference on},
 month = {Dec. 19-20},
 organization = {IEEE},
 pages = {1--4},
 title = {Centerline extraction based on hessian matrix and scale space analysis},
 year = {2009},
 title_with_no_special_chars = {Centerline extraction based on Hessian matrix and scale space analysis}

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