The Al-Boraní mass movement system and associated tsunami. A modeling approach. Macías, Jorge, Vázquez, J., Vázquez, L., Fernández-Salas, L., González-Vida, J., Bárcenas, P., Díaz, Manuel J., C., Díaz-del-Río, V., & Alonso, B. Marine Geology, 361:79-95, March, 2015.
The Al-Boraní mass movement system and associated tsunami. A modeling approach [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
J. Mac ́ıas, J.T. V ́azquez, L.M. Fern ́andez-Salas, J.M. Gonz ́alez-Vida, P. B ́arcenas, Castro-Díaz, Manuel-J. y V. D ́ıaz del R ́ıo T ́ıtulo:
  author   = {Mac{\'i}as, Jorge and V{\'a}zquez, J.-T. and V{\'a}zquez, L.-M. and Fern{\'a}ndez-Salas, L.-M. and Gonz{\'a}lez-Vida, J.-M. and B{\'a}rcenas, P. and Castro D{\'i}az, Manuel J. and D{\'i}az-del-R{\'i}o, V. and Alonso, B.},
  journal  = {Marine Geology},
  title    = {{T}he {A}l-{B}oran{\'i} mass movement system and associated tsunami. {A} modeling approach},
  year     = {2015},
  month    = {March},
  pages    = {79-95},
  volume   = {361},
  abstract = {J. Mac ́ıas, J.T. V ́azquez, L.M. Fern ́andez-Salas, J.M. Gonz ́alez-Vida, P. B ́arcenas, Castro-D{\'i}az, Manuel-J. y V. D ́ıaz del R ́ıo
T ́ıtulo:},
  url      = {},

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