Existence of periodic solutions for a state dependent delay differential equation. Magal, P. & Arino, O. J. Differential Equations, 165(1):61–95, 2000.
  author     = {Magal, P. and Arino, Ovide},
  title      = {Existence of periodic solutions for a state dependent delay differential equation},
  journal    = {J. Differential Equations},
  year       = {2000},
  volume     = {165},
  number     = {1},
  pages      = {61--95},
  issn       = {0022-0396},
  coden      = {JDEQAK},
  fjournal   = {Journal of Differential Equations},
  mrclass    = {34K13},
  mrnumber   = {2001f:34134},
  mrreviewer = {Hal Leslie Smith},

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