Driverless shuttle pilots: Lessons for automated transit technology deployment. Mahmoodi Nesheli, M., Li, L., Palm, M., & Shalaby, A. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(2):723–742, June, 2021.
Driverless shuttle pilots: Lessons for automated transit technology deployment [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
The rollout of autonomous vehicles (AV) presents an invaluable opportunity to assess the user perception and experience of a new technology that is expected to disrupt the urban mobility system worldwide. To incorporate AV technologies into existing public transit systems, transit agencies need rigorous assessment and validation of AVs in real-world scenarios and transit environments. It has been a common practice lately by many transit agencies to deploy a driverless shuttle (DS) pilot program to assess how the AV technology can enhance transit service and improve users’ satisfaction. Despite the numerous DS pilot programs around the world, there is a lack of robust and comprehensive guidelines for ensuring the effectiveness of such programs in attaining reliable outcomes and insights. The objective of this paper is to synthesise lessons from DS pilot programs worldwide and develop a planning framework that will help policy-makers and transit agencies facilitate the incorporation of DS in transit systems. Over 25 completed or ongoing DS deployments were reviewed and critiqued to identify what constitutes a successful pilot program. Ultimately, while previous deployments received positive feedback from the public, there have been few pilots that experienced operating environments representative of actual rider­ ship, traffic, and weather conditions of real transit services. From the selected case studies, it is evident that the technology is still in its infancy and it is recommended that future programs consider various operating traffic and environmental conditions, different route layouts and various speed and headway levels to evaluate more realistically the viability of replacing conventional buses with DSs. Other possible avenues of research include focusing pilot programs on more specific use-cases, such as providing demand responsive and first/last mile services in sparsely populated areas. 【摘要翻译】自动驾驶汽车(AV)的推出提供了一个宝贵的机会,可以评估用户对新技术的看法和经验,这些新技术有望破坏全球城市移动系统。为了将AV技术纳入现有的公共交通系统中,运输机构需要在现实情况和过境环境中进行严格评估和对AV的验证。最近,许多运输机构部署无人驾驶班车(DS)试点计划来评估AV技术如何增强运输服务并提高用户的满意度。尽管世界各地有许多DS飞行员计划,但仍缺乏强大而全面的准则来确保此类计划在获得可靠的结果和见解方面的有效性。本文的目的是综合全球DS试点计划的课程,并制定计划框架,以帮助政策制定者和过境机构促进将DS纳入运输系统。审查并批评超过25个已完成或正在进行的DS部署,以确定成功的试点计划。最终,尽管以前的部署收到了公众的积极反馈,但很少有飞行员经历了代表实际运输服务的实际骑手船,交通和天气状况的操作环境。从选定的案例研究中可以明显看出该技术仍处于起步阶段,建议未来的计划考虑各种操作交通和环境条件,不同的路线布局以及各种速度和进展水平,以更真实地评估替换常规的可行性带DSS的公共汽车。其他可能的研究途径包括将试点计划重点放在更具体的用例上,例如在人口稠密的地区提供需求敏感和第一/最后一英里的服务。
	title = {Driverless shuttle pilots: {Lessons} for automated transit technology deployment},
	volume = {9},
	issn = {2213624X},
	shorttitle = {无人驾驶穿梭飞行员:自动运输技术部署的课程},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1016/j.cstp.2021.03.010},
	abstract = {The rollout of autonomous vehicles (AV) presents an invaluable opportunity to assess the user perception and experience of a new technology that is expected to disrupt the urban mobility system worldwide. To incorporate AV technologies into existing public transit systems, transit agencies need rigorous assessment and validation of AVs in real-world scenarios and transit environments. It has been a common practice lately by many transit agencies to deploy a driverless shuttle (DS) pilot program to assess how the AV technology can enhance transit service and improve users’ satisfaction. Despite the numerous DS pilot programs around the world, there is a lack of robust and comprehensive guidelines for ensuring the effectiveness of such programs in attaining reliable outcomes and insights. The objective of this paper is to synthesise lessons from DS pilot programs worldwide and develop a planning framework that will help policy-makers and transit agencies facilitate the incorporation of DS in transit systems. Over 25 completed or ongoing DS deployments were reviewed and critiqued to identify what constitutes a successful pilot program. Ultimately, while previous deployments received positive feedback from the public, there have been few pilots that experienced operating environments representative of actual rider­ ship, traffic, and weather conditions of real transit services. From the selected case studies, it is evident that the technology is still in its infancy and it is recommended that future programs consider various operating traffic and environmental conditions, different route layouts and various speed and headway levels to evaluate more realistically the viability of replacing conventional buses with DSs. Other possible avenues of research include focusing pilot programs on more specific use-cases, such as providing demand responsive and first/last mile services in sparsely populated areas.

	language = {en},
	number = {2},
	urldate = {2022-12-06},
	journal = {Case Studies on Transport Policy},
	author = {Mahmoodi Nesheli, Mahmood and Li, Lisa and Palm, Matthew and Shalaby, Amer},
	month = jun,
	year = {2021},
	keywords = {/unread},
	pages = {723--742},

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