Query Model and Similarity-Based Retrieval for Workflow Reuse in the Digital Humanities. Malburg, L., Münster, N., Zeyen, C., & Bergmann, R. In Proceedings of the Conference "Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen", LWDA 2018, volume 2191, pages 251–262, 2018. CEUR-WS.org.
Query Model and Similarity-Based Retrieval for Workflow Reuse in the Digital Humanities [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   9 downloads  
Scientific Workflows do not seem to be broadly used today in the Digital Humanities to perform text and data analysis. Although they have become established in e-Science, modeling new workflows is usually a demanding task, especially for novice users. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) has been applied in the past to support the development of workflows as an experience-based activity by retrieving past workflows. A query language is needed for this purpose, but current languages do not sufficiently consider different user groups and the information they can provide. To address this issue, we present a query model to support novice as well as experienced users. We identify common expression elements from literature and integrate them in a prototypical CBR application named Reuse Assistant to support workflow reuse in the RapidMiner workflow tool. An experimental evaluation with non-expert users indicates the potential of the Reuse Assistant to facilitate workflow reuse and thus to simplify workflow development.

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