An Alternative Sensor Description Mark-Up Language. Malewski, C., Simonis, I., Cox, S., & Terhorst, A. In EGU 2011, volume 13, of Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2011 EGU General Assembly, 2011.
author = {Malewski, Christian and Simonis, Ingo and Cox, Simon and Terhorst, Andrew},
booktitle = {EGU 2011},
keywords = {OGC\_standards,SSN,SSNO\_application},
mendeley-tags = {OGC\_standards,SSN,SSNO\_application},
number = {EGU2011-10348-4},
series = {Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2011 EGU General Assembly},
title = {{An Alternative Sensor Description Mark-Up Language}},
volume = {13},
year = {2011}

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