Saturating the random graph with an independent family of small range. Malliaris, M. & Shelah, S. In Logic without borders, of Roman Kossak is organizing a volume in honor of Jouko Vaananen's 60th birthday. arxiv:math.LO/1208.5585
author = {Malliaris, Maryanthe and Shelah, Saharon},
trueauthor = {Malliaris, Maryanthe and Shelah, Saharon},
booktitle = {Logic without borders},
fromwhere = {1,IL},
note = { arxiv:math.LO/1208.5585 },
series = {Roman Kossak is organizing a volume in honor of Jouko
 Vaananen's 60th	birthday},
title = {{Saturating the random graph with an independent family of
 small	range}},

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