An Improved Numerical Model For Determining Chemical Reaction Rates. Manor, U. & Rutherford, S. SURFO Technical Report, 01:52, 2004.
abstract   bibtex   
A robust numerical procedure for biogeochemical interpretation and analysis of measured concentration profiles has been developed by Berg et al. 1 The model utilizes an approximation of Fick's Second Law to find constant reaction rates in equally spaced/sized ranges of depth (aka ‘zones'). This method works well for profiles several centimeters deep, where the resolution and complexity of behavior is uniform throughout the profile. However, it is limiting when attempting to analyze profiles several hundred meters in depth, in which case a model that can adjust accordingly to changes in sampling resolution and profile complexity would be more useful/accurate. Therefore, the concepts of the old model have been used and modified to make a new model that allows differently spaced and sized zones throughout the profile. It is evident that this approach is flexible enough to handle the complexity of profiles in marine sediments several hundred meters below the ocean floor. The program was written in MATLAB, which enables the user to analyze the profiles with a higher degree of accuracy in a fraction of the time (several hours vs. several minutes), due to MATLAB's matrix calculating abilities, providing a new useful tool for analyzing concentration profiles.
  abstract = {A robust numerical procedure for biogeochemical interpretation and analysis of measured concentration profiles has been developed by Berg et al. 1 The model utilizes an approximation of Fick's Second Law to find constant reaction rates in equally spaced/sized ranges of depth (aka ‘zones'). This method works well for profiles several centimeters deep, where the resolution and complexity of behavior is uniform throughout the profile. However, it is limiting when attempting to analyze profiles several hundred meters in depth, in which case a model that can adjust accordingly to changes in sampling resolution and profile complexity would be more useful/accurate. Therefore, the concepts of the old model have been used and modified to make a new model that allows differently spaced and sized zones throughout the profile. It is evident that this approach is flexible enough to handle the complexity of profiles in marine sediments several hundred meters below the ocean floor. The program was written in MATLAB, which enables the user to analyze the profiles with a higher degree of accuracy in a fraction of the time (several hours vs. several minutes), due to MATLAB's matrix calculating abilities, providing a new useful tool for analyzing concentration profiles.},
  author = {Manor, Uri and Rutherford, Scott},
  journal = {SURFO Technical Report},
  pages = {52},
  title = {{An Improved Numerical Model For Determining Chemical Reaction Rates}},
  volume = {01},
  year = {2004}

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