MRTP: A multi-flow real-time transport protocol for ad hoc networks. Mao, S., Bushmitch, D., Narayanan, S., & Panwar, S. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. to appear
@article{ Mao06c,
  author = {S. Mao and D. Bushmitch and S. Narayanan and S.S. Panwar},
  title = {{MRTP}: A multi-flow real-time transport protocol for ad hoc networks},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Multimedia},
  volume = {},
  number = {},
  month = {},
  year = {},
  pages = {},
  note = {to appear},
  submitter = {Stefan Alfredsson},
  bibdate = {January 8,  2006,  12:03 pm}

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