Transportation disasters, financial crises, and beyond. Mao, Z. Current Sociology, 63(1):94–99, 2015. 00001
Transportation disasters, financial crises, and beyond [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
The purpose of this article is to respond to Ulrich Beck's (2014) two crucial concepts -metamorphosis and emancipatory catastrophism - by examining the articulation between transportation disasters and financial crises. The article explains why metamorphosis is an ongoing and open process that is unpredictable, unintentional, and inclusive. It also illustrates how dialogical communities of risk, as one of the possible emancipatory side effects of global risk, may weaken due to social organisms and inequality in risk definition.
	title = {Transportation disasters, financial crises, and beyond},
	volume = {63},
	url = {},
	abstract = {The purpose of this article is to respond to Ulrich Beck's (2014) two crucial concepts -metamorphosis and emancipatory catastrophism - by examining the articulation between transportation disasters and financial crises. The article explains why metamorphosis is an ongoing and open process that is unpredictable, unintentional, and inclusive. It also illustrates how dialogical communities of risk, as one of the possible emancipatory side effects of global risk, may weaken due to social organisms and inequality in risk definition.},
	number = {1},
	urldate = {2016-12-01},
	journal = {Current Sociology},
	author = {Mao, Zhifei},
	year = {2015},
	note = {00001},
	keywords = {collapse, philosophy, catastrophism},
	pages = {94--99},
	file = {Mao - 2015 - Transportation disasters, financial crises, and be.pdf:C\:\\Users\\rsrs\\Documents\\Zotero Database\\storage\\PNRRA3U5\\Mao - 2015 - Transportation disasters, financial crises, and be.pdf:application/pdf}

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