Words Guaranteeing Minimal Image. Margolis, S. W., Pin, J., & Volkov, M. V. In Proceedings of Words, Languages & Combinatorics, pages 297-310, 2000.
@inproceedings{ dblp4439468,
  title = {Words Guaranteeing Minimal Image},
  author = {Stuart W. Margolis and Jean-Eric Pin and Mikhail V. Volkov},
  author_short = {Margolis, S. W. and Pin, J. and Volkov, M. V.},
  bibtype = {inproceedings},
  type = {inproceedings},
  year = {2000},
  key = {dblp4439468},
  id = {dblp4439468},
  biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/conf/dlt/MargolisPV00},
  url = {},
  conference = {Words, Languages & Combinatorics},
  pages = {297-310},
  text = {Words, Languages & Combinatorics 2000:297-310},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Words, Languages & Combinatorics}

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