Animal Triste. Maron, M. University of Nebraska Press.
  author       = {Maron, Monika},
  title        = {Animal Triste},
  date         = 2000,
  translator   = {Brigitte Goldstein},
  origlanguage = {german},
  publisher    = {University of Nebraska Press},
  location     = {Lincoln},
  langid       = {english},
  langidopts   = {variant=american},
  shorttitle   = {Animal Triste},
  annotation   = {An English translation of a German novel with a French title.
                  In other words: a \texttt{book} entry with a
                  \texttt{translator} field.  Note the \texttt{origlanguage}
                  field which is concatenated with the \texttt{translator}},

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