Order information in working memory: fMRI evidence for parietal and prefrontal mechanisms. Marshuetz, C., Smith, E. E., Jonides, J., DeGutis, J., & Chenevert, T. L. J Cogn Neurosci, 12 Suppl 2:130-44, 2000.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Working memory is thought to include a mechanism that allows for the coding of order information. One question of interest is how order information is coded, and how that code is neurally implemented. Here we report both behavioral and fMRI findings from an experiment involved comparing two tasks, an item-memory task and an order-memory task. In each case, five letters were presented for storage, followed after a brief interval by a set of probe letters. In the case of the item-memory task, the two letters were identical, and the subject responded to the question, "Was this letter one of the items you saw?". In the case of the order-memory task, the letters were different, and subjects responded to the question, "Are these two letters in the order in which you saw them?". Behaviorally, items that were further apart in the sequence that elicited faster reaction times and higher accuracy in the Order task. Areas that were significantly more activated in the Order condition included the parietal and prefrontal cortex. Parietal activations overlapped those involved in number processing, leading to the suggestion that the underlying representation of order and numbers may share a common process, coding for magnitude.
  author   = {C. Marshuetz and E. E. Smith and J. Jonides and J. DeGutis and T. L. Chenevert},
  journal  = {J Cogn Neurosci},
  title    = {Order information in working memory: f{MRI} evidence for parietal and prefrontal mechanisms.},
  year     = {2000},
  pages    = {130-44},
  volume   = {12 Suppl 2},
  abstract = {Working memory is thought to include a mechanism that allows for the
	coding of order information. One question of interest is how order
	information is coded, and how that code is neurally implemented.
	Here we report both behavioral and fMRI findings from an experiment
	involved comparing two tasks, an item-memory task and an order-memory
	task. In each case, five letters were presented for storage, followed
	after a brief interval by a set of probe letters. In the case of
	the item-memory task, the two letters were identical, and the subject
	responded to the question, "Was this letter one of the items you
	saw?". In the case of the order-memory task, the letters were different,
	and subjects responded to the question, "Are these two letters in
	the order in which you saw them?". Behaviorally, items that were
	further apart in the sequence that elicited faster reaction times
	and higher accuracy in the Order task. Areas that were significantly
	more activated in the Order condition included the parietal and prefrontal
	cortex. Parietal activations overlapped those involved in number
	processing, leading to the suggestion that the underlying representation
	of order and numbers may share a common process, coding for magnitude.},
  doi      = {10.1162/08989290051137459},
  keywords = {Brain Mapping, Cognition, Female, Functional Laterality, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Male, Memory, Parietal Lobe, Pattern Recognition, Prefrontal Cortex, Reaction Time, Short-Term, Time Factors, Visual, 11506653},

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