Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database. Matas, J., Hamou, M., Jonsson, K., Kittler, J., Li, Y., Kotropoulos, C., Tefas, A., Pitas, I., Tan, T., Yan, H., Smeraldi, F., Bigun, J., Capdevielle, N., Gerstner, W., Ben-Yacouba, S., Abdelaoued, Y., & Mayoraz, E. In Proc. ICPR, pages 858-863, Barcelona, Spain, 3-8 September, 2000.
  author = {Matas, J. and Hamou, M. and Jonsson, K. and Kittler, J. and Li, Y. and Kotropoulos, C. and Tefas, A. and Pitas, I. and Tan, T. and Yan, H. and Smeraldi, F. and Bigun, J. and Capdevielle, N. and Gerstner, W. and Ben-Yacouba, S. and Abdelaoued, Y. and Mayoraz, E.},
 address = {Barcelona, Spain},
booktitle = {Proc. ICPR},
 month = {3-8 September},
 pages = {858-863},
 title = {Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database},
 year = {2000},
 title_with_no_special_chars = {Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database}

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