Testing Intrusion Detection Systems: A Critique of the 1998 and 1999 DARPA Intrusion Detection System Evaluations as Performed by Lincoln Laboratory. McHugh, J. ACM Trans. on Info. System Security, 3(4):262--294, ACM, Nov, 2000.
    author     = {McHugh, J.},
    title      = {{Testing Intrusion Detection Systems: A Critique of the 1998 and 1999 DARPA Intrusion Detection System Evaluations as Performed by Lincoln Laboratory}},
    journal    = {ACM Trans. on Info. System Security},
    volume     = {3},
    number     = {4},
    month      = {Nov},
    year       = {2000},
    pages      = {262--294},
    publisher  = {ACM},
    __address   = {New York, USA},

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