CPR - A Comprehensible Provenance Record for Verification Workflows in Whole Tale. McPhillips, T. M, Thelen, T., Willis, C., Kowalik, K., Jones, M. B, & Ludäscher, B. In 8th and 9th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW), volume 12839, pages 263–269, 2021. LNCS. Springer.
	title = {{CPR} - {A} {Comprehensible} {Provenance} {Record} for {Verification} {Workflows} in {Whole} {Tale}},
	volume = {12839},
	booktitle = {8th and 9th {International} {Provenance} and {Annotation} {Workshop} ({IPAW})},
	publisher = {LNCS. Springer},
	author = {McPhillips, Timothy M and Thelen, Thomas and Willis, Craig and Kowalik, Kacper and Jones, Matthew B and Ludäscher, Bertram},
	year = {2021},
	pages = {263--269},

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