The modified kumaraswamy weibull distribution: Properties and applications in reliability and engineering sciences. Mead, M., E., Afify, A., Z., & Butt, N., S. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 16(3):433-446, University of the Punjab, 2020.
The modified kumaraswamy weibull distribution: Properties and applications in reliability and engineering sciences [pdf]Paper  The modified kumaraswamy weibull distribution: Properties and applications in reliability and engineering sciences [link]Website  doi  abstract   bibtex   
We introduce the Kumaraswamy alpha power-G (KAP-G) family which extends the alpha power family (Mahdavi and Kundu, 2017) and some other families. We consider the Weibull as baseline for the KAP family and generate Kumaraswamy alpha power Weibull distribution which has right-skewed, left-skewed, symmetrical, and reversed-J shaped densities, and decreasing, increasing, bathtub, upside-down bathtub, increasing-decreasing-increasing, J shaped and reversed-J shaped hazard rates. The proposed distribution can model non-monotone and monotone failure rates which are quite common in engineering and reliability studies. Some basic mathematical properties of the new model are derived. The maximum likelihood estimation method is used to evaluate the parameters and the observed information matrix is determined. The performance and flexibility of the proposed family is illustrated via two real data applications.

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