Substance Abuse Prevention in Rural Areas: Project LIFE. Metz, G. J. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly; 1995, 12, 3, 121 130., 1995.
abstract   bibtex   
Project LIFE (Living in Freedom Everyday/Early) was implemented in 1991/92 as a response to the need for more substance abuse prevention education in rural school districts (maximum 5,000 students). Some 88 school personnel (57% teachers) from 22 school districts in 8 rural counties of central western NY \& 12 community agency personnel participated in 3 day \& 5 day intensive training programs to develop, implement, \& evaluate action plans. Teams of participants developed strategies directed toward school district drug free policies, classroom curricula, staff inservice sessions, \& community/parent awareness programs. An external evaluator made site visits at the 22 participating school districts 3 months after training \& found that the participants reported 71 of the proposed 77 strategies had been achieved. 1 Figure, 15 References. Adapted from the source document. (Copyright 1995, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.)
@article{ metz_substance_1995,
  title = {Substance {Abuse} {Prevention} in {Rural} {Areas}: {Project} {LIFE}},
  abstract = {Project LIFE (Living in Freedom Everyday/Early) was implemented in 1991/92 as a response to the need for more substance abuse prevention education in rural school districts (maximum 5,000 students). Some 88 school personnel (57% teachers) from 22 school districts in 8 rural counties of central western NY \& 12 community agency personnel participated in 3 day \& 5 day intensive training programs to develop, implement, \& evaluate action plans. Teams of participants developed strategies directed toward school district drug free policies, classroom curricula, staff inservice sessions, \& community/parent awareness programs. An external evaluator made site visits at the 22 participating school districts 3 months after training \& found that the participants reported 71 of the proposed 77 strategies had been achieved. 1 Figure, 15 References. Adapted from the source document. (Copyright 1995, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.)},
  journal = {Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly; 1995, 12, 3, 121 130.},
  author = {Metz, Gary J.},
  year = {1995}

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