Land Planning of an Antenna Farm: Measurements and Simulations Aimed at Relocation of Broadcasting Stations and/or Reassignment of Frequencies. Miaris, G., Adamidis, G., Bourganis, E., Balaskas, A., Boursianis, A., Ganatsos, T., Kritikos, G., Matzaridou, M., A., Moneda, A., Notis, D., T., Siachalou, S., J., Christodoulou, M., G., Ioannidou, M., P., Samaras, T., Vafiadis, E., Chrissoulidis, D., P., & Sahalos, J., N. Technical Report 2004.
Land Planning of an Antenna Farm: Measurements and Simulations Aimed at Relocation of Broadcasting Stations and/or Reassignment of Frequencies [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
A methodology applied to land planning of an antenna farm is presented in this study. The first part of the study refers to measurements made at critical points around the existing antenna farm in order to evaluate the current situation. Broadband measurements have been made in a dense grid of sites that covers the broader area of interest. Narrowband measurements have also been conducted to estimate the contribution of existing broadcasting stations to current radiation levels and the safety index. The second part of the study refers to the future situation, which was predicted by use of computer simulations. The predicted radiation levels have been compared to the present levels and the exposure limits, thus leading to proposals for a new location and structure of the antenna farm.

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