. Milian, K., Bucur, A., ten Teije , A., & van Harmelen , F. Gao, J, Alhaij, R, Dubitzky, W, Ungar, L, Wu, C, Christianson, A, Liebman, M, & Hu, X, editors. Formalization of clinical trial eligibility criteria: Evaluation of a pattern-based approach, pages 495–498. IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Bioinformatics, 2012.
  title     = "Formalization of clinical trial eligibility criteria: Evaluation of a pattern-based approach",
  author    = "K. Milian and A. Bucur and {ten Teije}, A. and {van Harmelen}, F.",
  year      = "2012",
  pages     = "495--498",
  editor    = "J Gao and R Alhaij and W Dubitzky and L Ungar and C Wu and A Christianson and M Liebman and X Hu",
  booktitle = "2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)",
  publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Bioinformatics",

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