Atrophy-Corrected Cerebral Blood Flow in Fronto-Temporal Dementia. Miller, B. L., Itti, L., Li, J., Darby, A. L., Booth, R., Chang, L., & Mena, I. Facts and Research in Gerontology, 1995.
@article{ Miller_etal95,
  author = { B. L. Miller and L. Itti and J. Li and A. L. Darby and R.
                        Booth and L. Chang and I. Mena },
  title = { Atrophy-Corrected Cerebral Blood Flow in Fronto-Temporal
                        Dementia },
  journal = { Facts and Research in Gerontology },
  number = {S},
  pages = { 93-103 },
  year = {1995},
  type = { mip;med }

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