On the Transferability of Process-oriented Cases. Minor, M., Bergmann, R., Müller, J., & Spät, A. In Goel, A. K., Diaz-Agudo, B., & Roth-Berghofer, T., editors, Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development - 24nd International Conference, ICCBR 2016, Atlanta, USA. Proceedings, volume 9969, of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 281–294, 2016. Springer. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com
On the Transferability of Process-oriented Cases [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   9 downloads  
The paper studies the feasibility of using transfer learning for process-oriented case-based reasoning. The work introduces a novel approach to transfer work ow cases from a loosely related source domain to a target domain. The idea is to develop a representation mapper based on work ow generalization, work ow abstraction, and structural analogy in vocabulary. The approach is illustrated by a pair of sample domains on two sub-?elds of customer relationship management, which have similar process objectives but di?erent tasks and data to ful?ll them. An experiment with expert ratings of transferred cases is conducted to test the feasibility of the approach with promising results for work ow modelling support.

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