Improving the Effectiveness of Explanation-Based Learning in the PRODIGY System. Minton, S., Carbonell, J. G., Knoblock, C. A., Kuokka, D. R., & Nordin, H. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Compilation, pages 77-87, Inn at Otter Crest, OR, 1986.
	Author="Steven Minton and Jaime G. Carbonell and Craig A. Knoblock and Daniel R. Kuokka and Henrik Nordin",
	Title="Improving the Effectiveness of Explanation-Based Learning in the PRODIGY System",
	BookTitle="Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Compilation",
	Address="Inn at Otter Crest, OR", Year="1986",
         Keywords = {"EBL"}  }

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