Ptidej and DECOR: Identification of Design Patterns and Design Defects. Moha, N. & Guéhéneuc, Y. November, 2007. Tool demo at the 22nd International Conference on Automated Software Engineering.
abstract   bibtex   
The Ptidej project started in 2001 to study code generation from and identification of patterns. Since then, it has evolved into a complete reverse-engineering tool suite that includes several identification algorithms. It is a flexible tool suite that attempts to ease as much as possible the development of new identification and analysis algorithms. Recently, the module DECOR has been added to Ptidej and allows the detection of design defects, which are recurring design problems. In this demonstration, we particularly focus on the creation and use of identification algorithms for design patterns and defects.
  author = {Naouel Moha and Yann-Ga{\"e}l Gu{\'e}h{\'e}neuc},
  title = {{Ptidej} and {DECOR}: {I}dentification of Design Patterns and Design Defects},
  year = {2007},
  month = {November},
  note = {Tool demo at the 22<sup>{nd}</sup> International Conference on Automated Software Engineering.},
  comment = {Tool demo at the 22<sup>{nd}</sup> International Conference on Automated Software Engineering.},
  abstract = {The Ptidej{} project started in 2001 to study code generation from and identification of patterns. Since then, it has evolved into a complete reverse-engineering tool suite that includes several identification algorithms. It is a flexible tool suite that attempts to ease as much as possible the development of new identification and analysis algorithms. Recently, the module DECOR{} has been added to Ptidej{} and allows the detection of design defects, which are recurring design problems. In this demonstration, we particularly focus on the creation and use of identification algorithms for design patterns and defects.},
  grant = {NSERC DG},
  keywords = {Code and design smells ; ASE},
  kind = {DEMO},
  language = {english},
  pdf = {}

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