. Mohageg, M. F. & Wagner, A. Design Considerations for Information Appliances, pages 27--52. Morgan Kaufmann, November, 2000.
abstract   bibtex   
Current user interface approaches, developed for the desktop personal computer, are limited in their application to the design of information appliances. While portionas of PC Design approaches can be leveraged for information appliance, many of the design philosophies do not apply or simply cannot be used. Similarly, only a subset of the considerable knowledge from consumer electronics user interfaces applies to the information appliance domain. Therefore, new design approaches are needed to address the special design needs for these devices. This chapter describes some of the practical design consideration for developing user interfaces for information appliances. These considerations have been derived from significant experience in designing for the information appliance space. In addition to this traditional server, workstations, and software businesses, sun Microsystems provides software solutions for consumer devices and information appliances. These solutions have been in the form of a real-time operations System (TROS), enabling platforms such as Java 2 Micro edition (for phones, televisions, automobiles), and complete applications for television stet-top boxes, screen phones and wireless devices. The design considerations in this chapter are a sample of the principles yield from our experiences, They are intended to provide the flavor our our new design approach. Thea are not design prescriptions but they do offer a perspective for a user experience that is different form that of PCs. Additionally, the principles in this chapter are supported by a number of design tactics and implementations, which, in the interest of space, are not included in this volume.
@InBook{ 5145,
	title = "Design Considerations for Information Appliances",
	author = "Micael F. Mohageg and Annette Wagner",
	editor = "Eric Bergman",
	month = "November",
	series = "Information Appliances and Beyond",
	publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann",
	pages = "27--52",
	year = "2000",
	abstract = "Current user interface approaches, developed for the desktop personal computer, are limited in their application to the design of information appliances. While portionas of PC Design approaches can be leveraged for information appliance, many of the design philosophies do not apply or simply cannot be used. Similarly, only a subset of the considerable knowledge from consumer electronics user interfaces applies to the information appliance domain. Therefore, new design approaches are needed to address the special design needs for these devices. This chapter describes some of the practical design consideration for developing user interfaces for information appliances. These considerations have been derived from significant experience in designing for the information appliance space. In addition to this traditional server, workstations, and software businesses, sun Microsystems provides software solutions for consumer devices and information appliances. These solutions have been in the form of a real-time operations System (TROS), enabling platforms such as Java 2 Micro edition (for phones, televisions, automobiles), and complete applications for television stet-top boxes, screen phones and wireless devices. The design considerations in this chapter are a sample of the principles yield from our experiences, They are intended to provide the flavor our our new design approach. Thea are not design prescriptions but they do offer a perspective for a user experience that is different form that of PCs. Additionally, the principles in this chapter are supported by a number of design tactics and implementations, which, in the interest of space, are not included in this volume.",
	localfile = "/home/stephan/Daten/Kassel/Paper\_Tutorials\_Konferenzen/Paper/000101\_5145\_InfomationAppliancesandBeyond\_Chap2\_DesignConsiderationsForInformationAppliances.pdf"

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