A Saint Venant model for gravity driven shallow water flows with variable density and compressibility effects. Morales de Luna, T. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 47(3-4):436–444, February, 2008.
A Saint Venant model for gravity driven shallow water flows with variable density and compressibility effects [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
We introduce a new model for shallow water flows with non-flat bottom made of two layers of compressible–incompressible fluids. The classical Savage–Hutter model for gravity driven shallow water flows is derived from incompressible Euler equations. Here, we generalize this model by adding an upper compressible layer. We obtain a model of shallow water type, that admits an entropy dissipation inequality, preserves the steady state of a lake at rest and gives an approximation of the free surface compressible–incompressible Euler equations. Keywords: Shallow water; Variable density; Compressibility; Entropy inequality; Savage–Hutter model
  Title                    = {A Saint Venant model for gravity driven shallow water flows with variable density and compressibility effects},
  Author                   = {Morales de Luna, Tom\'{a}s},
  Journal                  = {Mathematical and Computer Modelling},
  Year                     = {2008},

  Month                    = feb,
  Number                   = {3-4},
  Pages                    = {436--444},
  Volume                   = {47},

  Abstract                 = {We introduce a new model for shallow water flows with non-flat bottom made of two layers of compressible{\textendash}incompressible fluids. The classical Savage{\textendash}Hutter model for gravity driven shallow water flows is derived from incompressible Euler equations. Here, we generalize this model by adding an upper compressible layer. We obtain a model of shallow water type, that admits an entropy dissipation inequality, preserves the steady state of a lake at rest and gives an approximation of the free surface compressible{\textendash}incompressible Euler equations. Keywords: Shallow water; Variable density; Compressibility; Entropy inequality; Savage{\textendash}Hutter model},
  Category                 = {MATHEMATICS, APPLIED},
  Comment                  = {�ndice de impacto: 1.032, Categor�a: MATHEMATICS, APPLIED, Fuente de impacto: WOS (JCR), Num. revistas en cat.: 175, Posici�n: 51},
  Doi                      = {10.1016/j.mcm.2007.04.016},
  File                     = {:moralesdeluna08saint.pdf:PDF},
  Impactfactor             = {1.032},
  Keywords                 = {Compressibility,Entropy inequality,Savage{\textendash}Hutter model,Shallow water,Variable density},
  Position                 = {51},
  Revincat                 = {175},
  Url                      = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?\_ob=ArticleURL\&\_udi=B6V0V-4NTJH02-6\&\_user=10\&\_rdoc=1\&\_fmt=\&\_orig=search\&\_sort=d\&view=c\&\_acct=C000050221\&\_version=1\&\_urlVersion=0\&\_userid=10\&md5=c714fddce3783429707813d440feb62a}

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