Improved Non-deterministic Planning by Exploiting State Relevance. Muise, C., McIlraith, S. A., & Beck, J. C. In The 22nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 2012.
Improved Non-deterministic Planning by Exploiting State Relevance [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   100 downloads  
We address the problem of computing a policy for fully ob- servable non-deterministic (FOND) planning problems. By focusing on the relevant aspects of the state of the world, we introduce a series of improvements to the previous state of the art and extend the applicability of our planner, PRP, to work in an online setting. The use of state relevance allows our policy to be exponentiallymore succinct in representing a solution to a FOND problem for some domains. Through the introduction of newtechniques for avoiding deadends and de- termining sufficient validity conditions, PRP has the potential to compute a policy up to several orders of magnitude faster than previous approaches. We also find dramatic improve- ments over the state of the art in online replanning when we treat suitable probabilistic domains as FOND domains.

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