High-frequency irreversible electroporation brain tumor ablation: exploring the dynamics of cell death and recovery. Murphy, K. R., Aycock, K. N., Hay, A. N., Rossmeisl, J. H., Davalos, R. V., & Dervisis, N. G. Bioelectrochemistry, 144:108001, 2022. 1878-562x Murphy, Kelsey R Aycock, Kenneth N Hay, Alayna N Rossmeisl, John H Davalos, Rafael V Dervisis, Nikolaos G R01 CA213423/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States R01 CA240476/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States Journal Article Netherlands 2021/11/30 Bioelectrochemistry. 2022 Apr;144:108001. doi: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2021.108001. Epub 2021 Nov 17.doi abstract bibtex Improved therapeutics for malignant brain tumors are urgently needed. High-frequency irreversible electroporation (H-FIRE) is a minimally invasive, nonthermal tissue ablation technique, which utilizes high-frequency, bipolar electric pulses to precisely kill tumor cells. The mechanisms of H-FIRE-induced tumor cell death and potential for cellular recovery are incompletely characterized. We hypothesized that tumor cells treated with specific H-FIRE electric field doses can survive and retain proliferative capacity. F98 glioma and LL/2 Lewis lung carcinoma cell suspensions were treated with H-FIRE to model primary and metastatic brain cancer, respectively. Cell membrane permeability, apoptosis, metabolic viability, and proliferative capacity were temporally measured using exclusion dyes, condensed chromatin staining, WST-8 fluorescence, and clonogenic assays, respectively. Both tumor cell lines exhibited dose-dependent permeabilization, with 1,500 V/cm permitting and 3,000 V/cm inhibiting membrane recovery 24 h post-treatment. Cells treated with 1,500 V/cm demonstrated significant and progressive recovery of apoptosis and metabolic activity, in contrast to cells treated with higher H-FIRE doses. Cancer cells treated with recovery-permitting doses of H-FIRE maintained while those treated with recovery-inhibiting doses lost proliferative capacity. Taken together, our data suggest that H-FIRE induces reversible and irreversible cellular damage in a dose-dependent manner, and the presence of dose-dependent recovery mechanisms permits tumor cell proliferation.
author = {Murphy, K. R. and Aycock, K. N. and Hay, A. N. and Rossmeisl, J. H. and Davalos, R. V. and Dervisis, N. G.},
title = {High-frequency irreversible electroporation brain tumor ablation: exploring the dynamics of cell death and recovery},
journal = {Bioelectrochemistry},
volume = {144},
pages = {108001},
note = {1878-562x
Murphy, Kelsey R
Aycock, Kenneth N
Hay, Alayna N
Rossmeisl, John H
Davalos, Rafael V
Dervisis, Nikolaos G
R01 CA213423/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States
R01 CA240476/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States
Journal Article
Bioelectrochemistry. 2022 Apr;144:108001. doi: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2021.108001. Epub 2021 Nov 17.},
abstract = {Improved therapeutics for malignant brain tumors are urgently needed. High-frequency irreversible electroporation (H-FIRE) is a minimally invasive, nonthermal tissue ablation technique, which utilizes high-frequency, bipolar electric pulses to precisely kill tumor cells. The mechanisms of H-FIRE-induced tumor cell death and potential for cellular recovery are incompletely characterized. We hypothesized that tumor cells treated with specific H-FIRE electric field doses can survive and retain proliferative capacity. F98 glioma and LL/2 Lewis lung carcinoma cell suspensions were treated with H-FIRE to model primary and metastatic brain cancer, respectively. Cell membrane permeability, apoptosis, metabolic viability, and proliferative capacity were temporally measured using exclusion dyes, condensed chromatin staining, WST-8 fluorescence, and clonogenic assays, respectively. Both tumor cell lines exhibited dose-dependent permeabilization, with 1,500 V/cm permitting and 3,000 V/cm inhibiting membrane recovery 24 h post-treatment. Cells treated with 1,500 V/cm demonstrated significant and progressive recovery of apoptosis and metabolic activity, in contrast to cells treated with higher H-FIRE doses. Cancer cells treated with recovery-permitting doses of H-FIRE maintained while those treated with recovery-inhibiting doses lost proliferative capacity. Taken together, our data suggest that H-FIRE induces reversible and irreversible cellular damage in a dose-dependent manner, and the presence of dose-dependent recovery mechanisms permits tumor cell proliferation.},
keywords = {*Brain Neoplasms
Brain cancer
Cell death
High-frequency irreversible electroporation
ISSN = {1567-5394 (Print)
DOI = {10.1016/j.bioelechem.2021.108001},
year = {2022},
type = {Journal Article}