Computability in quantum mechanics. Myrvold, W. C. In DePauli-Schimanovich, W., Köhler, E., & Stadler, F., editors, The foundational debate, volume 3, of Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook, pages 33–46, Dordrecht, 1995. Kluwer. Conference on the Foundational Debate: Constructivity and Complexity in Logic, Mathematics and Physics held at the University of Vienna, Vienna, September 1994
  author = {Myrvold, Wayne C.},
  title = {Computability in quantum mechanics},
  booktitle = {The foundational debate},
  year = {1995},
  editor = {DePauli-Schimanovich, Werner and K\"ohler, Eckehart and Stadler,
  volume = {3},
  series = {Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook},
  pages = {33--46},
  address = {Dordrecht},
  publisher = {Kluwer},
  note = {Conference on the Foundational Debate: Constructivity and Complexity
	in Logic, Mathematics and Physics held at the University of Vienna,
	Vienna, September 1994},
  file = {Myr95.pdf:Myr95.pdf:PDF;Myr95.pdf:files\\Myr95.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {bib,cca}

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