Formation of Possible $η^{\prime}$(958)-Nucleus Bound States and $η^{\prime}N$ Interaction. Nagahiro, H. JPS Conf. Proc., 13:010010, 2017.
doi  bibtex   
    author = "Nagahiro, Hideko",
    editor = "Goto, Yuji and Hosaka, Atsushi and Kumano, Shunzo and Niyama, Masayuki and Ohnishi, Hiroaki and Sato, Toru and Yokkaichi, Satoshi",
    title = "{Formation of Possible $\eta^{\prime}$(958)-Nucleus Bound States and $\eta^{\prime}N$ Interaction}",
    doi = "10.7566/JPSCP.13.010010",
    journal = "JPS Conf. Proc.",
    volume = "13",
    pages = "010010",
    year = "2017"

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