Performance of a Minimum-Support Imaging Method for Biomagnetic Source Localization. Nagarajan, S., Portniaguine, O., Sekihara, K., Hwang, D., & Johnson, C. In c-EMBS2002, volume 3, pages 2006-2007, October, 2002.
  author =    "S.S. Nagarajan and O. Portniaguine and K. Sekihara
              and D. Hwang and C.R. Johnson",
  title =     "Performance of a Minimum-Support Imaging Method
              for Biomagnetic Source Localization",
  booktitle = c-EMBS2002,
  volume =    "3",
  pages =     "2006-2007",
  year =      "2002",
  month =     "October",
  location =  "Houston",
  keywords =  "ncrr, forward problems inverse problems forward
              simulation inverse solutions finite elements,
              biopse, scientific computing",

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