Derivation of a bilayer model for Shallow Water equations with viscosity. Numerical validation. Narbona-Reina, G., Zabsonré, J. D. D., Fernández-Nieto, E. D., & Bresch, D. Computer modeling in engineering & sciences, 43 (1), 27-71, Tech Science Press, 2009.
Paper doi bibtex 2 downloads @Article{narbona2009derivation,
title={Derivation of a bilayer model for Shallow Water equations with viscosity. Numerical validation},
Author={Narbona-Reina, G. and Zabsonr{\'e}, J. D. D. and Fern{\'a}ndez-Nieto, E. D. and Bresch, D.},
journal={Computer modeling in engineering \& sciences, 43 (1), 27-71},
Doi = {10.3970/cmes.2009.043.027},
publisher={Tech Science Press},
url_Paper = {}