THE STRUCTURE AND PARAMAGNETISM OF (1-x)BIFEO3 – xYMNO3 SOLID SOLUTIONS. Nazarenko, A. V., Zaletov, V. G., Yu.v., K., Chagovets, S. V., Ananyeva, E. V., Rudskaya, A. G., & Kupriyanov, M. F. In 2017.
In solid solutions of (1–x)BiFeO 3 –xYMnO 3 around x = 0.5 the monoclinic phase with C2 symmetry is detected. It was found that the Lande parameter values of the electronic paramagnetic resonance signals (g-factors) of compositions with 0 \textless x \textless 0.8 differ from g-factor of the free electron (g e = 2.0023) and depend on concentration of x with the maximum value for x = 0.5. Also paramagnetic parameters correlate with bond lengths and angles between Fe/Mn-centred octahedron in the perovskite structures.
	url = {},
	abstract = {In solid solutions of (1–x)BiFeO 3 –xYMnO 3 around x = 0.5 the monoclinic phase with C2 symmetry is detected. It was found that the Lande parameter values of the electronic paramagnetic resonance signals (g-factors) of compositions with 0 {\textless} x {\textless} 0.8 differ from g-factor of the free electron (g e = 2.0023) and depend on concentration of x with the maximum value for x = 0.5. Also paramagnetic parameters correlate with bond lengths and angles between Fe/Mn-centred octahedron in the perovskite structures.},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2023-11-11},
	author = {Nazarenko, A. V. and Zaletov, V. G. and Kabirov Yu.v. and Chagovets, S. V. and Ananyeva, E. V. and Rudskaya, A. G. and Kupriyanov, M. F.},
	year = {2017},
	keywords = {(1-X)bifeo3 -Xymno3, Bifeo3, Epr, Multiferroics, Perovskite, Xrd, Ymno3},

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