Do common eiders Somateria mollissima exhaust their food resources? A study on natural mussel Mytilus edulis beds in the Wadden Sea. Nehls, G. & Ketzenberg, C. Danish Review of Game Biology, 16(1):47-61, 2002.
 title = {Do common eiders Somateria mollissima exhaust their food resources? A study on natural mussel Mytilus edulis beds in the Wadden Sea},
 type = {article},
 year = {2002},
 keywords = {diet,feeding ecology,mussel density},
 pages = {47-61},
 volume = {16},
 id = {7bedbb63-2716-34f9-b94e-5a30395c89b0},
 created = {2014-06-02T19:29:35.000Z},
 file_attached = {true},
 profile_id = {9aa84141-6744-3000-aa2d-8b83b70f0402},
 group_id = {3addd0f7-d578-34d3-be80-24022cc062a1},
 last_modified = {2018-02-22T12:53:43.136Z},
 read = {true},
 starred = {false},
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 confirmed = {true},
 hidden = {false},
 private_publication = {false},
 bibtype = {article},
 author = {Nehls, Georg and Ketzenberg, Christiane},
 journal = {Danish Review of Game Biology},
 number = {1}

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