Judaisms and their messiahs at the turn of the Christian era. Neusner, J., Green, W. S., & Frerichs, E. S. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York, 1987.
	address = {Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York},
	title = {Judaisms and their messiahs at the turn of the {Christian} era},
	isbn = {978-0-521-34146-2},
	language = {eng},
	publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
	author = {Neusner, Jacob and Green, William Scott and Frerichs, Ernest S.},
	year = {1987},
	keywords = {Hellenistic Judaism, Jesus Christ History of doctrines Early church, ca. 30-600., Jesus Christ Interpretations, New Testament, Jesus Christ New Testament interpretations, Judaism History Greco-Roman period, 332 B.C.-210 A.D, Judaism History Greco-Roman period, 332 B.C.-210 A.D., Judaism History Inter-testamental period, 140 B.C.-30 A.D, Judaism History Inter-testamental period, 140 B.C.-30 A.D., Judaism History Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.-210 A.D., Judaism History Pre-Talmudic period, 586 B.C.-10 A.D, Judaism History Pre-Talmudic period, 586 B.C.-10 A.D., Judaism, Hellenistic, Messiah History of doctrines.},

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