Relationship between coronary artery calcification and other measures of subclinical cardiovascular disease in older adults. Newman, A. B., Naydeck, B. L., Sutton-Tyrrell, K., Edmundowicz, D., O'Leary, D., Kronmal, R., Burke, G. L., & Kuller, L. H. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 22(10):1674-9, 2002.
  author = {Newman, A. B. and Naydeck, B. L. and Sutton-Tyrrell, K. and Edmundowicz, D. and O'Leary, D. and Kronmal, R. and Burke, G. L. and Kuller, L. H.},
 journal = {Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol},
 number = {10},
 pages = {1674-9},
 title = {Relationship between coronary artery calcification and other measures of subclinical cardiovascular disease in older adults},
 volume = {22},
 year = {2002},
 keywords = {Aged, Aged, 80, and, over, Calcinosis/*epidemiology/pathology, Cardiovascular, Diseases/*epidemiology/pathology, Carotid, Stenosis/epidemiology/pathology, Cohort, Studies, Coronary, Arteriosclerosis/*epidemiology/pathology, Demography, Female, Humans, Male, Prevalence, Risk, Factors, Sensitivity, and, Specificity, Sex, Factors, Tomography, X-Ray, Computed/methods, Tunica, Intima/pathology, Tunica, Media/pathology},
 title_with_no_special_chars = {Relationship between coronary artery calcification and other measures of subclinical cardiovascular disease in older adults}

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