Pattern-based Alignment of Audio Data for Ad-hoc Secure Device Pairing. Nguyen, L. N., Sigg, S., Huynh, A., & Ji, Y. In Proceedings of the 16th annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC), June, 2012.
@InProceedings{ Cryptography_Nguyen_2012-2,
	author = "Le Ngu Nguyen and Stephan Sigg and An Huynh and Yusheng Ji",
	title = "Pattern-based Alignment of Audio Data for Ad-hoc Secure Device Pairing",
	booktitle = "Proceedings of the 16th annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC)",
	year = "2012",
	month = June,
	ibrauthors = "sigg",
	ibrgroups = "dus",
	group = {ambience}}

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