Policy analysis in the Netherlands. Nispen, F. v. & Howlett, M., editors Policy Press, Bristol, 2015. OCLC: 931725550
	address = {Bristol},
	series = {International library of policy analysis},
	title = {Policy analysis in the {Netherlands}},
	isbn = {978-1-4473-1333-5},
	language = {eng},
	number = {3},
	publisher = {Policy Press},
	editor = {Nispen, Frans van and Howlett, Michael},
	year = {2015},
	note = {OCLC: 931725550},
	keywords = {Niederlande, Policy sciences Brazil, Politikfeldanalyse},
	file = {Table of Contents PDF:files/56604/Nispen tot Pannerden - 2015 - Policy analysis in the Netherlands.pdf:application/pdf}

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