Predicting seagrass recovery times and their implications following an extreme climate event. Nowicki, R., Thomson, J., Burkholder, D., Fourqurean, J., & Heithaus, M. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 567:79–93, March, 2017.
Predicting seagrass recovery times and their implications following an extreme climate event [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
	title = {Predicting seagrass recovery times and their implications following an extreme climate event},
	volume = {567},
	issn = {0171-8630, 1616-1599},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.3354/meps12029},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2020-01-25},
	journal = {Marine Ecology Progress Series},
	author = {Nowicki, Rj and Thomson, Ja and Burkholder, Da and Fourqurean, Jw and Heithaus, Mr},
	month = mar,
	year = {2017},
	keywords = {Division of Coastlines and Oceans, Institute of Environment, Seagrass, Sharks},
	pages = {79--93}

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