Estrategias de aprendizaje basados en la epistemología de la matemática. Oña, O., Sánchez, T., & Fernández, Y. In GESTIÓN, CALIDAD Y DESARROLLO EN LAS FACULTADES DE INGENIERÍA, 2018. ACOFI.
Estrategias de aprendizaje basados en la epistemología de la matemática [pdf]Paper  Estrategias de aprendizaje basados en la epistemología de la matemática [link]Website  abstract   bibtex   1 download  
Mathematics is the basis of all sciences, because without mathematical calculations human existence would be reduced to the caveman age, hence the importance of their learning being meaningful. Although the didactics of mathematics was born in the sixties in France; However, in our country, its practice is not yet evident in all levels of education, especially in universities, although the behavioral model continues to be applied, leaving aside the constructivist model, that is, a traditional teaching - learning is carried out; and there lies the lack of knowledge, logic of reasoning, dexterity and taste for mathematics in the students of the first levels where the unit of basic sciences is the basis of engineering. Later on, in the higher levels where solving problems of real and engineering context, where mathematical modeling is essential, the students' expertise is practically nil, generating therefore mediocre projects without theoretical foundation, and in the end, finishing as professionals. with gaps that affect their work performance. In a large part of the Ecuadorian universities, professors of the mathematics chair haveengineering training, the same ones that have great experience in the domain of mathematics, butthe deficiency is that there is no proper pedagogical preparation and even more the use of thedidactic at the moment of imparting their knowledge, practically what they do is to transmit whatthey have learned during their student life in the same way they received it; becoming a repetitive teaching process, reflecting itself as something traditional.

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