Detection and Retrieval of Out-of-Distribution Objects in Semantic Segmentation. Oberdiek, P., Rottmann, M., & Fink, G., A. 2020.
Detection and Retrieval of Out-of-Distribution Objects in Semantic Segmentation [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
When deploying deep learning technology in self-driving cars, deep neural networks are constantly exposed to do- main shifts. These include, e.g., changes in weather con- ditions, time of day, and long-term temporal shift. In this work we utilize a deep neural network trained on the Cityscapes dataset containing urban street scenes and in- fer images from a different dataset, the A2D2 dataset, con- taining also countryside and highway images. We present a novel pipeline for semantic segmenation that detects out- of-distribution (OOD) segments by means of the deep neu- ral network’s prediction and performs image retrieval af- ter feature extraction and dimensionality reduction on im- age patches. In our experiments we demonstrate that the deployed OOD approach is suitable for detecting out-of- distribution concepts. Furthermore, we evaluate the im- age patch retrieval qualitatively as well as quantitatively by means of the semi-compatible A2D2 ground truth and obtain mAP values ofup to 52.2%. 1.

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