A Verified Compiler for Pure PreScheme. Oliva, D. P. & Wand, M. Technical Report NU-CCS-92-5, Northeastern University College of Computer Science, February, 1992.
abstract   bibtex   
This document gives a summary of activities under MITRE Contract Number F19628-89-C-001. It gives a detailed denotational specification of the language Pure Pre­Scheme. A bytecode compiler, derived from the semantics, is presented, followed by proofs of correctness of the compiler with respect to the semantics. Finally, an assembler from the bytecode to an actual machine architecture is shown.
  author = 	"Dino P. Oliva and Mitchell Wand",
  title = 	"A Verified Compiler for Pure PreScheme",
  institution = "Northeastern University College of Computer Science",
  year = 	"1992",
  type = 	"Technical Report",
  number = 	"NU-CCS-92-5",
  OPTaddress = 	"",
  month = 	feb,
  OPTnote = 	"",
  abstract =    "This document gives a summary of activities under
		 MITRE Contract Number F19628-89-C-001.  It gives a
		 detailed denotational specification of the language
		 Pure Pre\-Scheme.  A bytecode compiler, derived from
		 the semantics, is presented, followed by proofs of
		 correctness of the compiler with respect to the
		 semantics.  Finally, an assembler from the bytecode
		 to an actual machine architecture is shown."

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