Study of Performances of Me/TinO2n-1 (Me = Co, Pt, CoPt, CoRuPt) Electrode Materials in Hydrogen Fuelled Alkaline PEMFC. P., P., Khadke, P., Lefterova, E., Nacevski, G., & Krewer, U. In Sofia Electrochemical Days 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, December, 2012.
	Address = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
	Author = {Paunovic P. and Khadke, P.S. and Lefterova, E. and Nacevski, G. and Krewer, U.},
	Booktitle = {Sofia Electrochemical Days 2012},
	Month = Dec,
	Title = {Study of Performances of Me/TinO2n-1 (Me = Co, Pt, CoPt, CoRuPt) Electrode Materials in Hydrogen Fuelled Alkaline PEMFC},
	Year = {2012}}

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