Empirical Study on Product Flexibility. Palani Rajan, P. K., Van Wie, M. J., Wood, K. L., Otto, K. N., & Campbell, M. I. In Volume 3a: 16th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, volume 2004, pages 109-124, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2004. ASME.
Empirical Study on Product Flexibility [link]Mendeley  doi  bibtex   
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  author = {Palanisamy Kuppuraj {Palani Rajan} and Michael J {Van Wie} and Kristin L {Wood} and Kevin N {Otto} and Matthew I {Campbell}},
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  pages = {109-124},
  volume = {2004},
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And  Duplicate 3 (                           Empirical Study on Product Flexibility                         - Rajan, Palanisamy Kuppuraj Palani; Van Wie, Michael J; Wood, Kristin L; Otto, Kevin N; Campbell, Matthew I; Palani Rajan, Palanisamy Kuppuraj )
        From Duplicate 2 (                           Empirical Study on Product Flexibility                         - Rajan, Palanisamy Kuppuraj Palani; Van Wie, Michael J; Wood, Kristin L; Otto, Kevin N; Campbell, Matthew I )},
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  short_title = {Empirical Study on Product Flexibility},
  citation_key = {PalaniRajan2004},
  subdiscipline = {Mechanical Engineering},
  booktitle = {Volume 3a: 16th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology},
  dateaccessed = {13/06/12}

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