Where do pilots look when they land?. Palmisano, S. A., Kim, J., Ash, A., & Allison, R. In Combined abstracts of 2009 Australian psychology conferences: The abstracts of the 36th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, pages 43. Melbourne, 2009.
Where do pilots look when they land? [link]-1  bibtex   
	address = {Melbourne},
	author = {Palmisano, S. A. and Kim, J. and Ash, A. and Allison, R.},
	booktitle = {Combined abstracts of 2009 Australian psychology conferences: The abstracts of the 36th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference},
	date-added = {2011-05-06 15:00:44 -0400},
	date-modified = {2011-05-18 16:32:02 -0400},
	keywords = {Optic flow & Self Motion (also Locomotion & Aviation)},
	organization = {Australian Psychological Society},
	pages = {43},
	title = {Where do pilots look when they land?},
	url-1 = {https://misprd.uow.edu.au/ris_public/WebObjects/RISPublic.woa/wo/;jsessionid=7AACA9D9670B94B7BD8D879386367DF0},
	year = {2009}}

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