Scale invariance and self-averaging in disordered systems. Parisi, G., Picco, M., & Sourlas, N. Europhysics Letters (EPL), 66(4):465–470, may, 2004.
Scale invariance and self-averaging in disordered systems [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
In a previous paper we found that in the random field Ising model at zero temperature in three dimensions the correlation length is not self-averaging near the critical point and that the violation of self-averaging is maximal. This is due to the formation of bound states in the underlying field theory. We present a similar study for the case of disordered Potts and Ising ferromagnets in two dimensions near the critical temperature. In the random Potts model the correlation length is not self-averaging near the critical temperature but the violation of self-averaging is weaker than in the random field case. In the random Ising model we find still weaker violations of self-averaging and we cannot rule out the possibility of the restoration of self-averaging in the infinite volume limit.
abstract = {In a previous paper we found that in the random field Ising model at zero temperature in three dimensions the correlation length is not self-averaging near the critical point and that the violation of self-averaging is maximal. This is due to the formation of bound states in the underlying field theory. We present a similar study for the case of disordered Potts and Ising ferromagnets in two dimensions near the critical temperature. In the random Potts model the correlation length is not self-averaging near the critical temperature but the violation of self-averaging is weaker than in the random field case. In the random Ising model we find still weaker violations of self-averaging and we cannot rule out the possibility of the restoration of self-averaging in the infinite volume limit.},
annote = {From Duplicate 2 (Scale invariance and self-averaging in disordered systems - Parisi, Giorgio; Picco, Marco; Sourlas, Nicolas)

From Duplicate 2 ( 

Scale invariance and self-averaging in disordered systems

- Parisi, Giorgio; Picco, Marco; Sourlas, Nicolas )

archivePrefix = {arXiv},
arxivId = {cond-mat/0312715},
author = {Parisi, Giorgio and Picco, Marco and Sourlas, Nicolas},
doi = {10.1209/epl/i2004-10014-0},
eprint = {0312715},
file = {:Users/marco/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Parisi, Picco, Sourlas - 2004 - Scale invariance and self-averaging in disordered systems.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0295-5075},
journal = {Europhysics Letters (EPL)},
keywords = {Disordered Systems and Neural Networks,Statistical Mechanics},
month = {may},
number = {4},
pages = {465--470},
primaryClass = {cond-mat},
title = {{Scale invariance and self-averaging in disordered systems}},
url = {},
volume = {66},
year = {2004}

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