Scoring Methods in MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting: ChemScore, and the ChemApplex program. Parker, K. A. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom, 13:22–39, 2002.
  author    = {Kenneth A. Parker},
  title     = {Scoring Methods in {MALDI} peptide mass fingerprinting: {ChemScore}, and the {ChemApplex} program},
  journal   = {J Am Soc Mass Spectrom},
  year      = {2002},
  volume    = {13},
  pages     = {22--39},
  comment   = {Quite crude development of chemically motivated scoring scheme for maldi-pmf.},
  file      = {Parker_ScoringMethodsMALDI_ASMS_2002.pdf:Parker_ScoringMethodsMALDI_ASMS_2002.pdf:PDF},
  keywords  = {pmf},
  owner     = {michael},
  timestamp = {2005.11.13},

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